History of the Jefferson Regional Foundation A timeline of Foundation milestones over our first 10 years JRF was founded in March 2013 as part of the affiliation agreement for Jefferson Hospital to become part of the Allegheny Health Network. Since then, we have awarded over $28 million in grants to 160+ community organizations. DateMilestone2013Highmark and AHN affiliation agreement for Jefferson Regional Medical Center results in the Foundation’s transition to grantmaking2014First grant awarded2015First Community Convening – 240 participants from 130 organizations2016CCAC South Food Pantry opens with Foundation supportCommunity Snapshot Data Profiles releasedCreated Jefferson Community DirectoryLaunch of the Jefferson Community Collaborative2018Around the Table South: 1,026 residents gather for community conversations2019The Foundation surpasses $10 million in grants awardedAround the Table South Report published, $28,500 in grants awardedJefferson Counts: 2020 Census initiative awards $66,200 in mini-grants2020$500,000 Jefferson COVID-19 Emergency Fund launchedFoundation issues public statement: Racism is a Public Health IssueFoundation-supported ADA renovations completed at Carnegie Library of Homestead2021$700,000 Jefferson Covid Impact Fund awardedAsthma clinics open in Clairton, South Allegheny, and Propel Homestead Schools with Foundation supportCensus & Vaccine Data Brief publishedJefferson Community Collaborative website launched2022Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank opens Duquesne warehouse expansion with Foundation supportJefferson Votes: Non-partisan voting initiative engages 47 organizations, awards $13,000 in mini-grantsOpen House for new Whitehall Towers officesFounding CEO Mary Phan-Gruber RetiresUpdated digital Jefferson Community Directory launched December 2022The Foundation surpasses $20 million in grants awarded for community impactMarch 2023Community Voice Fund: $350,000 awarded to 15 grantees to elevate resident voicesJune 2023With Foundation support, the Western PA Diaper Bank distributes 90,000 diapers to 450 families at McKeesport eventJune 2023Our Changing Communities: Interactive data story maps and community snapshots releasedSeptember 2023The Foundation supports United Way’s Welcome Back Summer 2023 summer youth programming for 800+ children in the JRF footprintDecember 2023The Foundation launches new strategic and communications planning efforts.