When can I apply for a grant?

Jefferson Regional Foundation encourages and accepts letters of intent online at any time during the year. The staff will work with the applicant organization to determine whether the proposed project or program is appropriate or ready to be developed into a proposal that might be considered in one of three grant cycles a year.

What is the Jefferson target area?

Any proposed program or project must primarily serve the Jefferson service area in the South Hills and lower Mon Valley region south of Pittsburgh, PA – the community served by Jefferson Hospital.

How do I apply?

The initial step is to complete a letter of intent online, which is essentially a mini-proposal. Feel free to call the Executive Director if you have questions after reviewing the Foundation’s grant guidelines and priorities or if you are not able to apply online. See the grantseeking resources page for free or low-cost training on grantwriting and our proposal tips for insights into the criteria used in review of proposals.

What size grants will the Foundation fund and for what period of time?

JRF grants will vary in size depending on the scope of your project and other resources that you plan to use. Grant awards to date range from $2,500 to $200,000 (for 2 years). The strongest projects include other sources of support and have a plan for sustainability. Most grants will be for 1-year projects; however, the Foundation will consider multi-year projects.

How else can the Foundation be helpful?

In addition to directly funding community projects, Jefferson Regional Foundation seeks to identify and link community resources, offer technical assistance and annual forums, share community data, support collaborations, and leverage additional partners and resources.

Where do I direct donations?

The Foundation does not engage in fundraising. Donations to Jefferson Hospital, as well as its fundraising activities such as the Gala & Golf events are coordinated through Allegheny Health Network.